Our Services
Captain’s Cove Seaport is a marina with slip space for over 350 boats. Click to view our:
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not a previous summer/winter storage customer here at Captain’s Cove you must contact our office first at (203) 335-1433. Downloading the contract and sending it to our office is not binding unless you have received acceptance from our marina office first!
For service inquires please call 203-367-9482 or email the boat shop ccboatshop@gmail.com.
We offer the following amenities to our boaters and transient customers during our summer months.
Hoses, hookups, and carts
Showers and laundry facilities, located in the sailing school building
Gasoline, diesel fuel, engine oil, and ice are available for purchase through the dockmaster in the commercial dock area
Free public wifi
State of the art pump out facility
Coming over from Long Island for the day? Call us on channel 18 for dockage information.
Overnight slips are may be available for transient vessels. Please call our marina office to check on availability.
Sea Tow Southern Connecticut maintains an office here at the Seaport, and for those vessels arriving from overseas Captain’s Cove is designated an official U.S. Customs and Port of Entry.
Gasoline, diesel fuel, engine oil, and ice are available for purchase during summer season.