experience long island sound

Swim Across the Sound
Support the Swim Across the Sound Foundation in turning the tide against cancer with events throughout the summer.

Local History
Visit our Queen Anne Style Victorian house and bar built around the wheelhouse of a nineteenth century tugboat.

Aquaculture School
High school students at the Bridgeport Regional Aquaculture School perform field work aboard the vessel Catherine Moore.

Tall Ships
Captain's Cove is the former home of the HMS Rose and the Bridgeport of call for “Amistad” and “Sound Waters.”

Sailing and Crew
Captain's Cove is home to the Sacred Heart University Club Sailing team, Fairfield University Sailing club, and the Fairfield Prep’s Crew Team.

Boardwalk Shops
Take a leisurely stroll down our Boardwalk and pop in to the little shops where you will find much more than souvenirs.

Fishing Charters
Jump aboard the Middlebank II for a fun fishing charter on Long Island Sound.

Find out what lies underneath the Long Island Sound. Join Orbit Marine on a dive to get your diving certification or explore the harbor.
Sailaway Sailing School
After school gets out, enroll the kids and teens in the coolest camp around, a summer sailing program.